Monday, October 17, 2011

Nigger, Nigger, Nigger

Whoopi Goldberg, that black pundit adored by liberals says that we white people are not allowed to use the word nigger.  That is why I delight in using it.  Bring it Whoopi, I'd love to kick your fat nigger ass.  Whoopi is neither smart, entertaining, or attractive, which is why she is a liberal pundit.  There are so many funny You Tube things on the net comparing liberal women with Conservative women;  liberal women are usually butt ugly:  Maxine Waters--yeah, wigs, Nancy-skin-so-tight Pelosi, Barbara the Hag Boxer(she does look kinda like a Boxer dog, obongo's freaky Marxist trash who is so unimportant that I can't recall her name, Anita something, only that she admires Mao.  Compare these hogs to Michelle Bachman or Sarah Palin.  Liberal women are pretty much recognizable by their very thin disapproving lips.  They are literally hags.  I guess it is just difficult being a liberal--they all look sorta pained.  Nigger?  Well to me it is the jerk with his oversized pants dangling below his buttocks held up with one hand sauntering around with his stupid nigger not-a-baseball cap turned sideways.  That is a nigger.  What else would you call it?  It is the footballl player with his nasty rasta braided hair which likely harbors a large variety of six legged inhabitants.  After a hard sports activity, I could not stand not to wash my silky white guy hair.  That rasta stuff must stink.  How about the dickweeds driving around with bass thumping so loud that it irritates everyone except other niggers perhaps within blocks.  Hope it makes them deaf.  Niggers are just as obnoxious as rednecks.  Both groups choose to present themselves in as unattractive a presence as possible. Go figger.  Nigger is a good word.  It describes people who should attract disdain.  Arrogant, ignorant, know-nothing Whoopi is a nigger for sure.

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