Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Niggers, bitches--male and female, haters, lliberals--oh that is redundant!

Niggers, brack obama, little filthy eric holder, al "feces" sharpton, je$$e jack$on, and bitches: angela corey and all of the so-called MSM including what passes for males are guilty of criminal activity resulting in a completely innocent man George Zimmerman being tried for a crime he did not commit.  What George Zimmerman, a conscientious neighbor and neighborhood watch volunteer in a neighborhood thoroughly terrorized by nigger looters, did was to defend himself against a big vulgar stupid thieving drug-dealing, dope-smoking foul-mouthed misogynistic savage piece of subhuman garbage who assaulted him.  To distract the American Idol watching public from all of his criminal activity:  IRS thugs bullying at his order, American Ambassador and American heroes in Benghazi murdered by his mus Brothers, NSA snooping and violating 4th Amendment on his watch, BATFE giving guns to mexican drug lords on the order of his butt brother little eric holder, stuttering barry sotero mounted a media supported attack on an innocent man who in the final analysis was so innocent that six women on a jury could not find a way to make him guilty.  The queer muslim foreign-born obama said that the thug trash who attacked George Zimmerman looked like him which is certainly true since he was just another lowlife low-functioning barely human scumbag.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thoughts on Dr. Ben Carson's Address at the 2013 Prayer Breakfast

That any of the leftist amoral slime of the national media would criticize Dr. Ben Carson shows how totally debased they and their sick twisted thought processes are.  The troll Barry Sotero sat onstage with his stupid insipid baboon grin while Dr. Carson stated clearly the real problems that this country is enmired in due to the fact that half of this modern population is ensared in the democrat created slavery of the liberal plantation.  A liberal plantation enlarged immensely due to the ill-conceived and possibly treasonous policies of the aforementioned little man Barry Sotero whose only noteworthy real accomplishment in his shabby life was the large amount of marijuana he smoked when he was supposedly attending college where he gained no knowledge, obviously, for he is intensely notably stupid.