Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Barbara Walters--enabler of Jane Fonda, like peas and carrots.

Jane Fonda shows up from time to time in some puff piece about a new book she has written or some other banal attempt at humanizing the traitorous piece of human dung.  I find Mr. Hanky much more laudable;  he brings Christmas cheer.  Jane Fonda just brings back memories of a huge number of American young men--her youngest and best sitting around discussing the sharp pointy implements or highly explosive devices that we would forcefully insert into Hanoi Jane's well worn orifices given the opportunity.  I believe any one of us would have done so had we been able to capture the trollop in country as we called the miserable little stinkhole that is Vietnam.  Many guilt-ridden cowards, liberals, attempted to denigrate the great American heroes who fought in Vietnam under much more rigorous conditions than our present day heroes endure in filthy raghead countries.  We were called names and portrayed by the liberal cowards as deranged dope-using whacked-out killers.  We were killers;  we were very effective, highly trained, highly motivated killers sent to keep the Communist North from mauling the South of Vietnam which we had pledged to protect.  Now we are doctors and lawyers and CEO's and leaders in all walks of life.  The misfit media still to this day try to give the other impression.  Things have improved:  the U.S. Army railroaded Lt. William Calley who did nothing more than wipe out a Viet Cong village.  I would have been in the thick of that killing the gooner old women with their AK-47's and the little gooner kids with their hot smoking AK-47's with which they had avidly killed good American soldiers.  The Army knuckled under to liberal cowards and sacrificed Lt. Calley who was sent to the cruddy little country of Vietnam to kill VC and NVA.  I killed a lot more of them: men, women, and children all of whom were active determined combatants.  Calley was railroaded just like a great American from the present era:  Lt.Col. retired and now U.S. Senator from Florida, Allen West.  The Army railroaded Lt. Col. West, but times are different and the cowardly liberals don't have the clout with the American people that they did in the late sixties.  Americans are ashamed for the treatment of her best and brightest who were sent to Vietnam who have never received the heartfelt apology and thanks that America owes us.  Lt. Col. West was railroaded just like Lt. William Calley was, but the liberals got away with it in the Vietnam era and could not do so now.  Jane Fonda's mere existence is proof positive of the healthy mental state of the Vietnam warriors.  We still all hate her, which she justly deserves, but we wait for just retribution for her instead of the wealth she accumulates from the thoughtless airheads who purchase her crummy products and make her very comfortable in the country which she openly reviled.

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