Monday, November 14, 2011

Sucking in the Sixties: liberals and their darlings--homos.

Somehow it breaks my heart to have the incredible record of Joe Paterno dashed into the dirt.  How could he have allowed the stinking faggot Jerry Sandusky to continue to molest little boys.  Yep, another faggot sucking little 11 year old boys' dicks.  Friends of mine say, "not all child predators are faggots."  Yeah they are.  Faggots like little boys.  They would like to have laws passed allowing them to molest little boys.  The way our society is going with its absolute propensity for moral relativity it will come to pass.  I could not be on active duty in this day of fags openly mincing sround in our Marine Corps.  Before the liberals pushed fags all over us, a fag in my Corps looking at my ass would have been eating his teeth.  But our sissified society allows fags to adopt little boys so they have their own personal little victims to molest in the comfort of their own homes.  It might not have been completely Joe's fault that he didn't report Sandusky;  liberals have twisted things so much that he might have been accused of being "bigoted" or "prejudiced" had he instituted any proceedings against Sandusky.  He should have done it anyhow, right away, no matter how the liberals would have skewered him.  Liberals love queers just as they love obongo and anything else twisted and depraved.  Decent people are often fearful of speaking out.  That is another problem that we must overcome.  We must call liberals what they are:  criminals, perverts, democrats, amoral bottom feeders.

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