Thursday, September 22, 2011

No Affirmative Action For Murder--Sometimes

Yeah, O.J. murdered two people.  Slaughtered two people.  He walked thanks to a black jury.  The blacks thought it more important that a brother murderer walk than that justice be served.  What does that say to you?  Well think about it.  Troy Davis didn't get his affirmative action.  He didn't get his pass.  Blacks get passed in high school.  They get admitted to college and graduate schools that they are not qualified for  They get jobs because they are black, not because they are good workers.  How do I know?  Because I have two white sons who are asked by black co-"workers", "why do you work so hard?' As they stand around and watch my two tasmanian devils get 'er done as we are taught to do since we have identifiable fathers who have lived with us and taught us.  No Troy Davis did not get his affirmative action murder passed.  He got smoked.  Great Success!  Despite the ubiquitous amoral racist Al Sharpton showing up with a thousand or so black savages expecting affirmative action for Mr. Troy who murdered a man for absolutely no reason except that he is black so he thought it was o.k.  Georgia did the right thing and rid the world of a savage subhuman menace who would never offer society anything but mindless mayhem.  After fourteen years at public expense and every dirty legal trick to try to save this animal, he is worm's meat.  Oh, by the way---how long did it take my two young sons to get jobs?  Less than two weeks. They don't think it o.k. to make excuses and apply for jobless benefits and welfare.  They don't get scholarships based on their skin color.  They have to earn the grades they get.  There was a time when there was totally unwarranted and unfair prejudice which needed righting.  That was sixty years ago.  There has been time enough for the downtrodden to lift themselves up.  They have been given every opportunity and failed for the most part to grab the gold ring and run with it.  They just expect more handouts.  Time to level the playing field for all.

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