Sunday, August 14, 2011

On Killing: a total piece of crap

Lt. Col. Dave Grossman has written an entire book trying to prove that soldiers do not want to kill enemy soldiers.  My take is that he is going to an immense effort to hide his personal cowardice.  Read To Cratisto and find what it is really like to be in combat   Grossman was never in combat, but being a psychologist he is preoccupied with his own perceived shortcomings.  That seems to be the motivation of most of the psychotics in psychology including psychiatrists.  Killing another human being is simply a matter of making a cognizant and rational decision of whether or not that person deserves to die.  If the person is an opponent in war the decision is already made:  if you don't kill him or her, he or she will kill you.  If you are attacked by an asocial criminal there is no problem making the decision to kill him if you can;  you kill him to protect yourself or loved ones or innocent bystanders who do not have your capacity to act.  Grossman is just another liberal coward in the uniform of our warriors.  He is a sheep, not a sheepdog.  Granted there are sheep in uniforms, but most of us who have worn uniforms of our warrior class never had the slightest difficulty killing the enemy.  We don't lose sleep over it either.  This cowardly little liberal girlyman Grossman also takes the opportunity to disrespect Lt. Calley.  It is no surprise that he does so for that is how cowards act.  Calley got tired of the VietCong shooting his men every time they went on patrol past the crappy little gooner village of My Lai.  Lt. Calley became tired of writing letters to mothers of his men who were killed by the filthy Viet Cong in My Lai.  Calley and his men went in to the village and wiped out the Viet Cong.  I would have joined in gladly were I there.  I wiped out my own Viet Cong villages.  Calley was sacrificed to the shrill cowardly liberals by the Army which has a history of doing so.  There are many liberal cowards like Grossman in the big overstuffed U.S. Army.

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