Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cleanup crews must rid the halls of Congress of democrat slime.

Our Republican Representatives(and a couple of Democrats) did what we sent them to Congress to do and voted to repeal obongocare. The hideously constipated and unread creation of the communists and the community organizer from Kenya in our government must go. Some recent polls(almost certainly controlled by liberals and slanted to their tale) show that popular resistance to obongocare and desire for it to be gone has diminished. Liberals make certain that any polls they can control tell only their desired message. Anyone with a brain(liberals of course thus excluded) can tell even if only on a gut level that obongocare is a disaster for everyone and is merely another mechanism for transformation of our great nation into a third world stinkhole like Russia or China run by a central committee where everyone gets the same crappy medical care, except of course the governing elite who are exempt, and their minions in labor unions, and their friends and families, et al, et al. obongocare is a disaster for all of those of us who work to support all of the freeloaders on Medicaid, and Medicare, and Social Security--yes freeloaders because those of us who work hard and make a good living support those with less ability or desire through the ponzi schemes which all of the government social welfare income redistribution scams truly are. obongocare is also bad for the old who will be told that it is more expedient to let them die than prolong their lives. obongocare is bad for the young since it will add to all of the unfunded entitlement programs that they will end up paying for. obongocare is hideous for everyone except the democrats who rammed it down our throats(or in barney frank's case maybe up the other way) since they and their buddies have all been exempted from it and have their own extraordinary medical plans. obongocare, like obongo and mate, and boxer, and shumer, and frank, and waters, and pelosi, and reid, and all of the other slime snarfing at the public trough must go!

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