Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mus to execute man for apostrophe. This is why I say they cannot be trusted period.

Now I am no great fan of Christianity, but Christians as an identifiable group aren't murdering people around the world every day;  mus are.  This is a repudiation of liberals who fawn over mus because mus are savage stupid brutal mindless slaves of the mullets and their prophet was a child molester among other disgusting character flaws.  These are the people liberals adore.  The mullets in Iran have decided to murder a Christian pastor for the crime of being a Christian.  He didn't hump some other guys ass;  he didn't rob anyone or hurt anyone, he just has the insane belief that some big manager in the sky watches over him and listens to his thoughts.  Even some pathetic so-called Conservatives say we should not lump all mus together because it is only islamists or jeehawdists, or some other splinter group of mus who murder cartoonists who draw funny pictures of mo-hanmade.  Only Wo-hobbies or Sunnys or Shit-tites who are murderous, but I see the savage murderous degenerate primitive mus all over committing acts of barbaric nature.  Think about it:  their operations manual is savage, degenerate, murderous and primitive;  if they believe their little Mow-like book how are they supposed to act otherwise?

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