Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Eeny, meany, miney--Herman?

Romney is a RINO.  He burdened Massachusetts with Romneycare which is bankrupting the state as obongocare will bankrupt the nation if not repealed.  He is a Mormon--too freaky--almost Scientology freaky.  Rick Perry is flaming out.  Michele Bachman has flamed out.  Herman Cain is a smart man of good convictions who has lead companies to profitability, but he has no governing experience;  is that a liability or an asset?  The rest?:  Huntsman another freaky Mormon and a FOO (friend of obongo).  Thumbs down--not a Conservative.  Ron Paul?  A true American.  A very smart man even though too libertarian, but will the hoi-poloi who vote support him?  Chris Cristy?  Too fat;  he must lose three hundred pounds before he runs for President--he looks like the typical American.  Our President needs to look like a Frenchman.  Sarah Palin?  My first choice:  smart, a courageous leader, a woman (my wife and daughter as well as Margaret Thatcher convince me that it is time for a woman--not a Condi Rice pseudowoman--a real knockem down and kick 'em if they mess with her woman free of stupid liberal inanity who likes men, not other women).  Sarah is too smart to run.  Newt?  Old news. Did I miss anyone?  Paul Ryan isn't running--the only one with a plan (besides Herman).  Maybe it is time for a black President.  An American black President who is black, and who is smart, not stupid and who is black, not a friggin high yella cur dog Kenyan.

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