Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Are you really, truly that stupid?

So you had time to waste thus you watched the little petty nothing from Kenya mouth his platitudes with his big mambo lips spewing forth his usual lies. Are you stupid? So-called pundits and commentators speculated that obongo was moving towards center as bignose Bill did. obongo is not as intelligent as Clinton. In fact he is not intelligent, period. All of his faux education(which he has hidden from open evaluation) is just like everything else about him including his place of birth--lies. obongo is just a little second rater who should be cleaning urinals at a Greyhound station. It is pretty sickening to watch all the so-called conservatives doing their little song and dance in their leiderhosen and wanting to sit with the queers and commies and all the other freaks in the democrat ranks. Tea Party, we have got to keep trying; we have got to send some people with balls to Congress to tell the democrats to go back in their holes or we'll treat them like any other varmints(figuratively speaking of course). obongo isn't going to change any more than his asshole buddy kim jong ill is. obongo is filth, human ordure, and he will lie like a rug, just like little Jimmy Carter and all the other democrats, but he is bent on destruction of our country and we need to expect nothing more from the dirty mus creep. What we need from obongo is what old obese dirty Ted Kennedy finally gave us.

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