Saturday, July 18, 2015

A short history of the Vietnam Conflict.

Vitnam, Barry, an inevitable succession?

Lies were told by the liberals:  cowards and fools,

To the college-age kids—the usual tools.

The media lied as accustomed they are,

Old fat lying Walter, the media’s beloved star,

Who had a moustache, a sign of deep knowledge

To all the spoiled brats safely ensconced in college.

On the idiot box screen solemn and grave,

Bad news of the war each evening he gave.

The American public, all the fat motherfuckers

Sat stupid and bland, all the ignorant suckers

Attentive to Walter, they hung on each word

As the prompter rolled out the message—absurd.

We were winning the conflict, Rick Allen and I,

And all the young men who were willing to try

To fight communists, gooners, who were willing to die,

Like all the young Germans, Italians, and Japs,

Young men not heroes, but really just…saps,

All cannon fodder from the three Axis nations

That some college kids’ fathers, the best generation

Slew in great numbers, every war’s end game

Those of us in the Nam had the very same aim, 

But the liberals, the hippies, all irrelevant trash

All busy with Mary Jane, acid and hash,

Couldn’t let a mere war interfere with their pleasure,

Their communes, and Woodstock, and indolent leisure.

So they gathered in masses with the dim college trolls,

Burning their draft cards, and voting in polls

To end the war that our gallant young manhood

Had basically won with their guts and their blood

But old Walter read message that the gooners were winners,

And America lost interest and went back to their dinners

While the vets came back home to hate and abusers

To the lie that we’d lost and were druggies and losers.

Our leader had promised the country we had fought for

That we’d provide the air power; so, they could win their own war,

And we had trained them up well and killed most of their foe,

We left them ready to fight when we had to go.

They could likely have won and maintained their freedom,

But the fools and the cowards in Congress betrayed them

Denying support that we had promised we’d send

The commie’s big general said the gooners’ war had to end,

That his army was on its last legs and they’ have to give in.

The American people sat on their couches, dumb and dim

Lied to by old Walter:  the war we had lost, foretold by him.

We’d lost our first war and our great nation no longer

Was the force in the world to keep freedom stronger,

Keeping tyrants and terrorists at bay, under cover

So that all the world’s nations could new freedom discover.

And the haters of liberty, communists in our nation dear

Gained power to elect a foreigner, an enemy, a queer

Who was set up by occult forces to enforce our decline

And allow our own communists to end us in short time.

Now the public is aroused, divided, invaded, and angry

At alien illegals from south and hordes of muslim enemy

Can we replace the betrayers with an American faction

Who will undo all of the destructive criminal action

Of the ringer who’s part black which scares everyone

From reversing the damage and destruction he’s done.

Or will our people blindly embrace our downfall

As droves walk quietly by to stare at the wall.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Transubstantiation?  Do the damn fools realize they admit being cannibals?

Eating Jesus

Transmagiciation, or my imagination, makes Jesus meat.

The Priest in alabaster robes, shakes about the smoke,

disinviting Lucifer, from sitting down to eat.

My mind charged to confess cartoon icon invoke,

“Carve off a leg;” “Give me the thigh:” My little cherub squeals,

snagging skimpy fishfood--the holiest of meals.

“Now fill the cup with blood!” the cannibals all cry--

he suffered on the cross; so, we shan’t have to die.

Impaired god-fearing fiends design to thus arise,

and sit beside the King, anon, …

with eternal glassy eyes.

Life in the Universe besides on planet Earth?  Are you kidding?  Of course there is;  and they are out there right now.

Serious or Siriusly?

Are they out there you ask

The reply is you betcha

When they finish their task

They might come and getcha.

We have spotted their ships

 Reports manifold, insist on our credence,

Countless radar blips--

We can’t deny their existence.

Over and over, they are seen everywhere

Throughout the night sky

Twisting, turning, or hovering in air

Seen by keen observers, like pilots who fly

But governments all scoff:  “no they’re not there

Just bureaucrats all, to control they deny

What people are seeing all the time, everywhere.

They appoint coverup panels, their effort to lie

Supposedly they don’t want the people to fear

Never trust politicians, they every one try

To keep truth from the public, make issues unclear,

Their motives are suspect, truth we most agree;

Them we cannot trust; they are up to no good

But there is no denying what so many see,

We would love to make contact if we but could.

So, yes, they are out there; they don’t trust our leaders,

For they know that most all of them are bottom feeders.

If mankind could grow up they might make contact

But that doesn’t seem forthcoming, so they hold back.

They could possibly save us from our self-destruction:

They are watching and waiting--until our warring is done!

Vitnam, Barry, an inevitable succession?

Lies were told by the liberals:  cowards and fools,

To the college-age kids—the usual tools.

The media lied as accustomed they are,

Old fat lying Walter, the media’s beloved star,

Who had a moustache, a sign of deep knowledge

To all the spoiled brats safely ensconced in college.

On the idiot box screen solemn and grave,

Bad news of the war each evening he gave.

The American public, all the fat motherfuckers

Sat stupid and bland, all the ignorant suckers

Attentive to Walter, they hung on each word

As the prompter rolled out the message—absurd.

We were winning the conflict, Rick Allen and I,

And all the young men who were willing to try

To fight communists, gooners, who were willing to die,

Like all the young Germans, Italians, and Japs,

Young men not heroes, but really just…saps,

All cannon fodder from the three Axis nations

That some college kids’ fathers, the best generation

Slew in great numbers, every war’s end game

Those of us in the Nam had the very same aim, 

But the liberals, the hippies, all irrelevant trash

All busy with Mary Jane, acid and hash,

Couldn’t let a mere war interfere with their pleasure,

Their communes, and Woodstock, and indolent leisure.

So they gathered in masses with the dim college trolls,

Burning their draft cards, and voting in polls

To end the war that our gallant young manhood

Had basically won with their guts and their blood

But old Walter read message that the gooners were winners,

And America lost interest and went back to their dinners

While the vets came back home to hate and abusers

To the lie that we’d lost and were druggies and losers.

Our leader had promised the country we had fought for

That we’d provide the air power; so, they could win their own war,

And we had trained them up well and killed most of their foe,

We left them ready to fight when we had to go.

They could likely have won and maintained their freedom,

But the fools and the cowards in Congress betrayed them

Denying support that we had promised we’d send

The commie’s big general said the gooners’ war had to end,

That his army was on its last legs and they’ have to give in.

The American people sat on their couches, dumb and dim

Lied to by old Walter:  the war we had lost, foretold by him.

We’d lost our first war and our great nation no longer

Was the force in the world to keep freedom stronger,

Keeping tyrants and terrorists at bay, under cover

So that all the world’s nations could new freedom discover.

And the haters of liberty, communists in our nation dear

Gained power to elect a foreigner, an enemy, a queer

Who was set up by occult forces to enforce our decline

And allow our own communists to end us in short time.

Now the public is aroused, divided, invaded, and angry

At alien illegals from south and hordes of muslim enemy

Can we replace the betrayers with an American faction

Who will undo all of the destructive criminal action

Of the ringer who’s part black which scares everyone

From reversing the damage and destruction he’s done.

Or will our people blindly embrace our downfall

As droves walk quietly by to stare at the wall.

Sunday, July 12, 2015



Every surgeon of every surgical specialty has a fag tale.  Excuse the pun.  I refuse to call these twisted psychotics gay.  Gay is a useful word that means happy. The pervs have usurped this perfectly good word to try to give their perversion acceptability.  It is kind of like calling the Viet Cong gooners so we could kill them without regret except in this case it is the use of a pleasant word to describe something sick and unpleasant and make it acceptable to the public.  The pc’ers want us to accept this mental disease either because they are fags themselves, or just because they hate the normal majority and espouse anything that goes against the grain and is abnormal.  The liberal pc pretenders and the homosexuals continually try to gain acceptance of sexual aberration.  They continually try to overestimate the penetration of this sickness in society to validate it or give it some kind of credibility by saying that ten percent of the population is queer when multiple independent authoritative studies estimate between two and four percent of the population have abnormal sexual tendencies.  The homosexuals try to legislate acceptance by laws making marriage between individuals of the same sex legitimate.  Unacceptable as this is to the vast majority of normal people the homosexuals and their liberal handlers relentlessly work towards making perversion acceptable even when it is not.  The purveyors of perversion sneak it into textbooks for schoolchildren in an effort to brainwash kids into believing that homosexuality is ok.  They try to get the legislators who are always looking for some vocal minority group to pander to, to pass laws making any criticism of homos “hate crime.”  The great majority of the population do not hate homosexuals, but we certainly do not condone their disgusting perversions.

            A friend of Tom’s, who was an Otolaryngology (ENT) Resident at Tulane, recounts the story of the Tulane professor who showed up in the emergency room with an incredible length of green garden hose shoved up his anus.  A prominent Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon began his presentation at a seminar with a slide of a Budweiser bottle which appeared to be coated with chocolate.  Initially that it seemed kind of clever, like chocolate covered ants.  You guessed it.  It was not chocolate and it disgusted Tom  after a few seconds when he realized that this was a fag story.  The caption on the accompanying slide was the slogan used by the beer company in their ads at one time, “this Bud’s for you.” Tom’s favorite fag story, of the big girly fag that showed up in the Duke ER, when he was the anesthesia resident on call one night.  The fag had a sixty watt light bulb in his rectum.  Anyone who attempts to convince us that introducing an electric light bulb into his ass is a variation of any kind of normal sex is not going to arouse much support or empathy among the greatest number of the population, anyone with the least bit of intelligence.  One of Tom’s good friends, a surgeon in Atlanta, did a fellowship in anesthesia at a hospital in Jacksonville, Florida.  He said it was so common for fags to come into the emergency room there with dead rodents in their rectums that the residents all came to call them, “hamster packers.”  Makes one wonder why the PETA freaks don’t spray paint the fags instead of hounding old ladies with ranch-raised mink coats.  Probably because the PETA freaks are all packers themselves.  But the queers say they just have a different sexual preference.  Lightbulbs?  Small animals?  Garden hose?  Beer bottles?  I’ll say their preference is different.  I also state bluntly that homosexuals are not just a variation of normal.  They are abnormal.  All of the sexual predators seem to be homosexuals.  Many of them don’t care what sex they prey upon as long as they are defenseless little children.  All of the Catholic Priests who assaulted all of the little Catholic boys for years were homosexuals.  What makes us think they’ve stopped?   Sexual predators are notorious for repeating their offenses.  The American Psychiatric Association is to a great extent responsible for the increase in perversion by attempting to increase its acceptability, calling it a variation of normal.  I believe they did so because so many of them are off-kilter and probably queer.  Some sicko liberal judge in Vermont gave a hideous sex offender a sixty day sentence for repeatedly raping a six year old boy.  I hold the boy’s dad responsible.  I would have gutted the creep by now, after I slowly disarmed him.  I believe we should disarm rapists.  Child molesters should be lobotomized.  The day that they are set free they repeat their crimes.  If we lobotomized them we would not have to kill them or support them in jail for a few months, or half their lives in states where they are appropriately sentenced.  They could be useful citizens picking up trash in our cities.  Harsh?  You think that is harsh?  Then you have a problem.  You are undoubtedly a gutless valueless immoral liberal!   Little kids should be left alone.