I'm obama'd out. He's like a flaming hemorrhoid.
The twisted sick disgusting little shallow insipid stupid affirmative action empty suit muslim foreign-born homosexual dicksucker narcissist communist infesting our White House is emblematic of all that is ugly, pernicious, small, mean, self-serving in humanity: he is in a word the ultimate liberal. obama and the huge sow that he inhabits our White House with must go. He has dominated life in this country for way too long. He is the fart in a closed room that has no outlet. He lingers in our country befouling everything that he contacts. He is a disease that we need to overcome and rid ourselves of. The musli that is our journalistic cadre--the "news" commentators who adore their manufactured vision of obama need to be ignored--if we do not pay attention to them they will virtually cease to exist; they are nothing but figments of our own imagination and if we put them out of our mind they will actually disappear. What is left of decent hard-working ethical intelligent humanity in our country needs to turn to the takers--the slaves of the liberal democrats and tell them to get jobs, that we are not going to support their lazy stupid asses any longer. They will get no more subprime loans, food stamps, free emergency room care, free heat in the winter, free food for their spawn. They must support themselves or just die as happens throughout the entire animal kingdom when animals do not take care of themselves. I am tired of all of the hypocritical malaise of the liberals. I'll take care of my family and any others in my immediate vicinity who need help. You all do the same and we'll all be much better off.